Archive - 2014

June 14th

¿Un Acuerdo Internacional sobre el Comercio de Servicios? (TISA) Por qué este acuerdo de libre comercio de servicios es peligroso para la democracia, el desarrollo y el interés general y ¡Debemos Pararlo!

14 June, 2014
¿Un Acuerdo Internacional sobre el Comercio de Servicios? (TISA) - Una nota breve sobre por qué este acuerdo de libre comercio de servicios es peligroso para la democracia, el desarrollo y el interés general y ¡Debemos Pararlo!

Why International “Trade in Services Agreement” (TISA) is Dangerous to Democracy, Development, and the Public Interest, and Must Be Stopped!

14 June, 2014
A memo on International “Trade in Services Agreement” (TISA) that provides details as to why this proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in services is dangerous to democracy, development, and the public interest, and must be stopped!

January 28th

Global Civil Society Oppose Convening Mini-Ministerial on WTO Subjects at WEF in Davos

22 January, 2014
In a letter to members of World Trade Organization (WTO) on 22 January 2014, OWINFS network opposed convening mini-ministerial on the subject of WTO in the World Economic Forum (WEF) held on 22-27 January at Davos, Switzerland. The letter stated that, it is completely inappropriate to discuss WTO issues, as WEF is forum where almost exclusively Trade Ministers of the richest and most powerful countries and representatives of the most powerful corporate interests participate.

Trade in Environmental Goods May Not Actually Be So Good

27 January, 2014
On Jan. 25, a group of World Trade Organization (WTO) countries including the United States, the European Union, Australia, and Canada, launched a new set of negotiations to eliminate tariffs on a set of supposedly environmentally beneficial products. In this article Ilna Solomon of Siera Club argues that the initiative may actually harm the environment.