Archive - 2011 - Article

December 14th

Llamada a la acción! - Vuelta a la OMC / 8va Ministerial en Ginebra, 2011

Inexplicablemente, la OMC ha anunciado una vez más su intención de establecer un cronograma intenso de negociaciones para la primavera boreal, luego de que algunos gobiernos acordaran en las reuniones del G20 de noviembre de 2010, impulsar en 2011 la conclusión de las negociaciones de la Ronda de Doha para la expansión de la OMC.

December 12th

Call to Action! - WTO Turnaround

Inexplicably, the WTO has yet again announced an accelerated schedule of negotiations this spring, after some governments agreed at the November 2010 meetings of the G20 to push for a conclusion the Doha Round of WTO expansion negotiations in 2011. OWINFS encourages social movements and civil society organizations concerned about the impacts of the WTO on workers, farmers, women, the environment, and our future, to organize national pressure immediately on your Trade Minister and other national officials!

March 8th

G20 Platform of Common Demands

6 November, 2010
The G20 is an unelected and select group of countries whose membership was originally drawn in response to the financial crises of the 1990s.1 The group came to its current position of prominence as a result of the latest wave of crises starting in 2007, as it had become clear that the G8 were incapable of responding without the collaboration of those from outside their number. The G20 has illegitimately proclaimed itself to be the premier forum of global economic governance for the future. In particular, the G20 seeks to dictate which bodies should be entrusted with responsibility for policing the global economy on its behalf. The G20’s policy agenda is driven primarily by the interests of global capital, as business leaders meet regularly in closed session with G20 ministers in the run-up to the G20 summits.G20 is trying to promote further liberalisation of trade, investment, finance and public services as a solution to the crisis. Recognizing that profound and fundamental change to the system is the ONLY solution to the crisis, member organisations and social movements of Our World Is Not For Sale make the following demands: