STOP EPAs global day of action - 27 September

5 September, 2007

Call to UNITE and ACT on the coming STOP EPAs Day

on the coming
27 September 2007

The 27th September marks the fifth anniversary of the start of negotiations for Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the EU and the ACP (African, Caribbean & Pacific) countries.

We call upon all organizations, coalitions and networks in the EU and ACP countries, as well as outside these regions to unite for this Global Day of Action of protest against the proposed EPAs.

We demand that EU-ACP trade relations should be founded on an approach that:

  • supports sustainable development in ACP countries and the realization of economic, social, environmental, cultural, civil and human rights;

  • is based on a principle of non-reciprocity and special and differential treatment (SDT) for least and lesser developed countries;

  • recognises ACP producers rights to trade protection within their own domestic and regional markets, as they and their governments judge necessary;

  • recognises and supports food sovereignty of ACP countries

  • endorses and respects the right of ACP countries to the necessary policy space to formulate and pursue their own development strategies.

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