
OWINFS members protest at the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference, held at KICC at Nairobi, December 16, 2015

OWINFS members protest at the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference, held at KICC at Nairobi, December 16, 2015 They raised slogans including No New Issues!! Permanent solution to food stockholding now!!

Press Release / G20 Counter-Summit Conclusions: "What We Need is System Change!"

Social movements and civil society organizations from different parts of the world have met on 3-4 September 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on the eve of the G20 Summit. With the participation of more than 30 international delegates of world social movements, our G20 Counter-Summit was hosted by the Post-Globalization Initiative.

Five years after the financial meltdown, the G20 continues promoting failed neoliberal policies, forcing austerity measures in countries facing deep recession and social crisis. During this period a vast architecture of impunity was built to serve the interests of transnational capital.

Vamos Parar a Rodada de "do desenvolvimento" de Doha e as outras negociações de livre comércio!

Convocamos as organizações da sociedade civil e os movimentos sociais do mundo inteiro a expressar a nossa oposição enérgica, unitária e inequívoca frente às intenções de conclusão da atual 'rodada' de negociações da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), e a outros tratados de Livre Comércio regionais e bilaterais que os governos tentam impor em muitas partes do mundo.