National Network of French elected official against GATS & of GATS-FREE Zones

2 December, 2004

Press Communique 1
Grigny, France, Dec 3 2004

A year ahead of the Hong Kong Ministerial conference of World Trade Organisation, the French National Network of elected officials against GATS & GATS- FREE local governments , held its first Genral Assemblee in Grigny (Rhône) on Dec 3 2004.

This date coincides with the second anniversary of the « Paris call of elected officials for the suspension of GAT negociations ». It also marks the official burial of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) in 1998, and the defeat of the launching of the Millenium Round in Seattle in 1999.

The national, regional, departmental and municipal elected officials present adopted a charter through which they refuse to forsake their rights and responsabilities as peoples’ representatives to an unelected body, the WTO. A body bent upon privatising services of all kinds, including public services.

They decided on a programme of action, in particular to take part in the April 10/17 international week of action, in order to exert pressure on government/s ahead of the sixth WTO ministerial, a ministerial which could spell disaster for farmers, for biodiversity, for peoples’ rights, social rights, and indeed democracy itself, throughout the world.

Fully aware of their political responsability and intending to make use of it to mobilise populations, while respecting the diversity of the Network they are, determined to throw their full weight against GATS’ frontal attack on the right to democratic governance. The Network is thereby commited to a full year of campaigning to obtain the suspension of GATS negociations.

Furthermore, they alert their colleagues in France and abroad, public opinion and the media on the obsure manoeuvers currently underway around the revision of GATS article 13 on government procurement in services.

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