Archive - 2014

décembre 2nd

Farmers and CSOs express concern over WTO conditionalities on India's agricultural subsidy regime

25 November, 2014
Indian farmers organizations and civil society groups expressed serious concern over India - US agreement over public stockholding issue at the WTO negotiation. In a letter to commerce minister they argued that Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) needs to be rejected not only as a strategy but on its own lack of merit.

Global civil society letter to WTO members regarding public food stockholding programs

24 November, 2014
In the backdrop of agreement between India and US on public stockholdings for food security purposes this Global civil society letter highlights that the current solution is inadequate and calls upon WTO members to ensure that developing countries’ and LDCs’ interests are not sacrificed in the current negotiations and at the special General Council meeting on 26 November 2014 in order to clear the path for the TFA.

novembre 10th

Il faut ouvrir l’ACS au débat public concluent les experts lors du premier forum mondial sur le commerce des services

18 October, 2014
De l'éducation au transport, de la finance à la santé, le nouvel accord sur le commerce des services (ACS ou TISA en anglais) pose de graves menaces aux normes de qualité dans de nombreux secteurs des services publics. Ceci a un impact direct sur la vie des citoyens. C'est ce qui est ressorti du premier forum mondial sur le commerce des services co-organisé par l'Internationale des services publics (ISP), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) et le réseau Notre monde n'est pas à vendre (OWINFS) tenu hier, le 17 octobre 2014 à Genève.

ISP-OWINFS-FES: De l'AGCS à l'ACS Forum sur le commerce mondial des services

10 October, 2014
Le Forum sur le commerce mondial des services de l'ISP « De l'AGCS à l'ACS », organisé en partenariat avec la fondation Friedrich Ebert (FES) et le réseau Notre monde n'est pas à vendre (Our World Is Not For Sale, OWINFS), marque la toute première occasion au monde d'exprimer un point de vue critique sur l'Accord sur le commerce des services (ACS). Ce forum réunira des experts mondialement connus, des syndicats des secteurs public et privé, ainsi que des représentant(e)s de la société civile et des gouvernements des quatre coins du monde, afin d'échanger des informations sur l'ACS. Ils se pencheront sur les menaces qui planent sur les services publics, la démocratie et les travailleurs/euses, et organiseront une action en vue de les contrer.

novembre 8th

Presentations: From GATS to TISA - Global Trade in Services Forum, Geneva, 17 October, 2014

18 October, 2014
On 17 October 2014, Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network organised, "Global Trade in Services Forum - From GATS to TISA", in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Public Services International (PSI). Large number of trade unionists from public and private sector, government representatives, global experts and civil society representatives will take part in the vent.

novembre 5th

Brisbane 2014: G20 Peoples' Summit and March, Nov. 12-15, 2014

Standing firm besides Brisbane Community Action Network BrisCAN and Brisbane's community !!!

Events include:

The Free Trade and Investment Regimes: an Attack on Peoples’ Rights, the Commons and Democracy

octobre 31st

Implications of International Investment Agreements: UNCTAD World Investment Forum 2014 Event

15 October, 2014
The number of disputes brought by investors under international investment agreements (IIAs) has been steadily increasing. This event organized by OWINFS, TWN and Public Citizen at the UNCTAD World Investment Forum 2014 looks at the implications of these disputes for sustainable development, and will discuss actual case studies in particular areas.

UNCTAD Secretary General Mr M. Kituyi Respond to Global Civil Society Letter on the Role of UNCTAD on Investment Issues

23 October, 2014
In this response to global civil society groups letter, UNCTAD Secretary General Mr M. Kituyi's share the concerns of global civil society groups on the implications of current investment regime and expressed hope that proposed reforms of international investment agreements and investor state dispute settlement system (ISDS) will help to improve them system.